Detail of spray machine maintenance

Nowadays, people who use Multifunctional Spraying Machine are increasing. The time points can be used to bring us more efficient, more complete work effects. We must also be more useful in maintenance, so that you can extend his number of life. There are many need to pay attention, the first thing is on the oil volume of the oil pump, we have used it to see if the oil is enough, and there are many sprayers after using it for a while, this trachee will have a leakage appearance, mainly It is no oil pressure in the sprayer. At this time we can open this housing, participate in some grease in this oil pump, and the surface of this machine should be greatly cleaned. 
Cleaning surface: We know that some materials sprayed by the sprayer have certain corrosive, so when we use, we must ensure that these paints don't have a long time, when maintaining this sprinkle, we Also pay attention to more, usually we use water to use this machine to use water to make useful cleaning,Otherwise, there will be a case where the head is blocked. When using some high viscosity coatings, we have a number of times the nozzle is both dominated.
Working power: After using this machine, it will not clean the surface, which shortens the number of sprayers to use, when using, we have to check whether some machines have installed the protection device on the ground.The sprayer is a high-tech product. There are many need to be paying attention to using the process. The product's work power is very high. When working in some large spaces, the spray area is reached at a thousand squares per hour, and the general instrument equipment is Can't reach this power.